Recovery After Laser Vein Therapy
Following your laser vein treatment, here's what you can anticipate:
Simple Laser Treatment: You'll be able to walk immediately after the procedure, and recovery is typically swift. Most individuals find themselves able to resume their regular daily activities shortly after undergoing this treatment.
Endovenous Laser Treatment: After this specialized procedure, you will wear compression stockings for a recommended duration, typically one week or longer. For added assurance, your doctor will conduct a follow-up examination using duplex ultrasound to ensure the vein is properly sealed and the treatment has been successful. This thorough monitoring is an essential step in your journey towards healthier veins and enhanced well-being.
Are there any risks with Laser Vein Therapy?
Potential side effects include minor redness or swelling around the treated area, skin discoloration, and in rare cases, the development of blisters or scarring. It's important to note that Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is another innovative option for addressing spider veins. IPL delivers precise pulses of varying light bands to targeted areas, offering an alternative approach for those seeking vein treatment.
Our medical staff are highly experienced in providing safe and effective laser treatment for varicose veins. Rest assured that these risks are minimal to none under their expert care, and your well-being is our top priority.
How Many Treatments are Required for Laser Vein Therapy?
Similar to Sclerotherapy, Laser Vein Therapy often requires multiple sessions to achieve the best possible results. The exact number of sessions needed can vary depending on individual circumstances and the severity of the condition being treated. Typically, you can expect to see gradual improvements over time, with resolution ranging from several weeks to several months following the completion of your treatments. Our medical team will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs and goals.